The beginning of Association AANEEN

Vereniging AANEEN was founded in 1990 on the initiative of Mrs. N.H.M. Hunsel. She is Surinamese and has lived with her family in the Netherlands since 1973. By nature she is socially involved and always interested in her fellow man. When she came to the Netherlands, she noticed that there were cultural differences and misunderstandings between Surinamese and Dutch people. To bridge these and create understanding for each other, she decided to bring people of these two different cultures together in a relaxed atmosphere. She organized game nights, bus tours and excursions, in which socializing and talking openly with each other were paramount. With good effect, because the enthusiasm was so great that an association was formed in 1990. That became Vereniging AANEEN, and the motto was and is: ‘Reach out a helping hand to each other’. The projects in the Netherlands focus on helping people across all cultures.


Ms. Norine Hunsel - Founder Association AANEEN

Spearhead of AANEEN until the evaluation in 2020, is helping to reduce the percentage of AIDS/HIV infected (1 in 40 people) in Suriname. It does this from the Netherlands, together with local foundations in Suriname.

But AANEEN goes further . . . The association supports charities in the Antilles, the Netherlands and Suriname, which dedicate themselves in a positive way to their fellow man, either by sending resources from the Netherlands or by raising funds for these local charities. AANEEN also contributes to the connection and understanding between these countries and the Netherlands.

Like mother ... like daughter

Palmira Lieuw, daughter of the founder of AANEEN, Norine Hunsel, was brought up with this social slant. During her former job as a KLM flight attendant, she and her sister wanted to reach out to people who were vulnerable.

So in 2006, on her trips to Suriname, she began taking resources with her to organizations working for HIV prevention there. After all, it had become apparent that all too often, people who were struggling with this disease were placed in a corner of doom. In the meantime, 1 in 50 people had already contracted the virus.

Resources such as clothing and medical supplies were collected for them and carried in extra suitcases. Gradually, other aid organizations knocked on AANEEN’s door for support. Because AANEEN always managed to carry out its social work with the grace and strength of many volunteers, more and more was done for people, especially children, in need. On the project pages you will see completed and existing projects.

Palmira Lieuw at Schiphol with relief supplies for Suriname
AANEEN thanks everyone who helps and has helped, without you this work could not be done.
So thank you and stay welcome to help. Becoming an AANEEN-er is easy.

AANEEN means that you are not alone


Fortunately. See here the story of Willem Stoop: I am a member and secretary of Vereniging AANEEN. How did I join AANEEN and why did I become so passionate about AANEEN? I am going to tell you.

´My daughter went to Suriname in 2008 for six months to do an internship at the Radiology Department at the Academic Hospital. 

This was the chance to go to Suriname for once and, besides visiting my daughter, to taste the nature and culture of this country. 

The moment I walked down the airplane stairs at Zanderij, I was immediately captivated by the beautiful scenery. In the following weeks in Paramaribo and during my travels to the interior, an indescribable relaxedness came over me; it felt like I had come home.

AANEEN's volunteer team, always on the move!

Artist Tobias Baanders, has completely selflessly, designed the beautiful colorful logo for association AANEEN.

This logo is a beautiful example of our membership… colorful!
Jan Schipper, who voluntarily took care of the printing for AANEEN for a number of years.

AANEEN’s door is always open to new volunteers who would like to share their expertise and knowledge. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, look here for more information.

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