Sponsor / Ambassador

Sponsor mom’s birthday calendar
Unique birthday calendar
Will you sponsor the next print run of this special birthday calendar? Sponsor contribution per calendar €25. Then your company name will appear on one Month of this calendar. The Mama’s Birthday Calendar is AANEEN’s welcome gift, which every new member receives for free, and is also sold separately.
A birthday calendar that can be found in a person’s household for years to come.

Verjaardagskalender met Surinaamse vrouw in koto aan de voorkant en Surinaamse natuur bovenaan elke maand.


How many
1000 pcs
100 pcs

Made possible by
Members AANEEN
Achter de Grachten printing office Weesp

Courtesy of: A. Bijsterbosch // MOKSI Magazine // J. Neijhorst // J. Schipper //L. Verspeek

Sponsor us with condoms
Every father, every mother would like to have a healthy child. Every teenager would like a prosperous future without worries.

In Suriname, unfortunately, 1 in 50 persons has HIV/AIDS. To reduce this percentage, a lot of education and change of mentality is needed. With the information, education, HIV and STD testing and guidance of HIV/AIDS-infected people, the Lobi Foundation in Suriname is intensively engaged. But in addition, physical support in the form of condoms and condom vending machines is indispensable. Vereniging AANEEN helps the Lobi Foundation in this regard and donated 14 condom vending machines in 2009. Now it is important to continue and ensure that the vending machines remain structurally filled. This way we can give the children of Suriname hope for a future without HIV/AIDS. It worked in Brazil, it should also be possible in Suriname. You can help and at the same time make your company known in Suriname. Will you sponsor the next filling of the condom vending machines? Your donation is tax deductible, because AANEEN is an ANBI institution.

As a thank you, your company name/logo and website address will be printed on each condom packet! And, of course, you will receive name recognition on our website.

Sponsor amount

Your purchase

Our consideration


745 packets for condom machine
(1,490 condoms) + shipment to Lobi Foundation in Suriname

Name of your company, your logo and mention of your website on all 745 condom packages and on all AANEEN websites


1,490 packages for condom machine (2,980 condoms) + shipment to
Lobi Foundation in Suriname

Name of your company, your logo and mention of your website on all 2,000 condom packages and on all AANEEN websites


2,830 packages for condom vending machine (5,660 condoms) + shipment to
Lobi Foundation in Suriname

Name of your company, your logo and mention of your website on all 3,000 condom packages and on all AANEEN websites

Free AANEEN sponsorship with online shopping

Target shop

It is possible for everyone who cares about AANEEN to sponsor AANEEN for free Very easy and free at your online shopping. Click on:  http://aaneen.doelshop.nl


Sponsor Meter

By clicking on the sponsor meter below, an overview of dozens of online stores will appear, including Thuisbezorgd.nl and Wehkamp.

Each purchase from one of these companies provides AANEEN with a commission while you yourself pay the same price, so it costs you nothing extra.

This makes sponsoring very easy. With the help of the AANEEN Sponsormeter we keep track of what we are all saving for, and to what extent the goal has been achieved.


(Car) Ambassadors AANEEN

AANEEN Car Ambassador Albert Hunsel is already crisscrossing the country with the happy message.

AANEEN has been growing rapidly over the past few years.
By promoting AANEEN more, the membership has expanded considerably. Happy.
 Until now, this promotion has mainly taken place in the Randstad.
The goal is to actively recruit members throughout the Netherlands.

AANEEN cannot do this alone, and gratefully makes use of a network of ambassadors. These ambassadors are responsible for the promotion of AANEEN in a certain province.
The ambassadors are free to fill in this promotion, of course with the support of AANEEN where necessary. Promotion tasks can be; manning festival stands, giving radio interviews etc.

Each quarter the ambassador receives the necessary working materials for the super-strong lightweight AANEEN trolley, travel allowances and the maximum volunteer allowance of €125 paid out.

However, it is expected that the ambassador will recruit 10 members and/or savers per quarter. As an ambassador you are eligible for the Project Trip Suriname after your first lustrum with AANEEN.
If you would like to do this job independently, in your own time and in a flexible way, please email us 

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